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Region 6 Report

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By Dan Wilterding - RVC 6

Hello Region 6 !

Ever notice how odd things crop up while you're going about your business? They do at my house and I'll bet they do at yours; they do also in the house of American Mensa.

Some time ago, while research on an unrelated subject was going on, it became known that our balloting and election procedures are not in compliance with our Certificate of Incorporation as issued by the state of New York (we're still incorporated there even though our national office is in Texas). Turns out that we have been out of compliance ever since our incorporation. Now, aware of the situation, we are ethically and legally bound to take corrective action.

The problem? Oh, yeah... Seems that by not specifying otherwise, our C-of-I requires that a quorum be present at the Annual Business Meeting for any business to be conducted -- that quorum is 50% of the membership, physically present. It also seems that ballots by mail are not legitimate although proxies are. The solution, therefore, is to amend the C-of-I to set a quorum at a reasonably achievable number (in this case: 100) and to include the appropriate provisions to allow mail ballots in the election of AMC members.

An effort has begun to provide information; contact your LocSec or Editor, contact me, read the Bulletin, or go to "Proxy Information" on the AML website ( Both hard-copy and electronic proxies will be allowed, the latter to be made on a yet to be implemented part of the AML site.

As mandated by the applicable laws it will be necessary for us to have, in hand and verifiable, proxies in favor of the changes to the Certificate of Incorporation at least equal to one person more that 50 percent of the membership at the time of the next Annual Business Meeting in July 2004. When you first see a proxy in the Bulletin, on the web or wherever they are made available please sign and return it.

Comments, anyone?

Dan Wilterding - RVC6 E-mail:
Phone: 817-573-4454

Andrew Johnson only learned to read and write after his wife taught him as an adult.