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Impeach LocSec Rally total flop

Donald XVII, King of FranceBy His Royal Majesty Donald XVII, King of France

LocSec Gerry Schulze scheduled an Impeach LocSec rally last month. Not only did he forget to announce it, he forgot to go. Rumor has it that nobody showed up.

During his tenure as LocSec Gerry has done little, and what he's done he's done wrong.

For instance, Duke resigned as newsletter editor. Gerry was supposed to get a new editor. He has had some tentative volunteers, but he has failed to coordinate efforts. He may have even lost the names of some of the volunteers.

As you can see from this travesty, we definitely need a new newsletter editor now. If you are interested, please let Gerry know, again. This time he promises not to blow it, unless he forgets.

As King of France, it is important to me that Arkansas Mensa flourish. After all, Arkansas is pronounced with a final silent "s," kind of like we pronounce a lot of words in France.